Contact Improvisation Workshop in London: Spacial Oddities

Contact Improvisation Workshop in London

Saturday CI Workshops & Jams

Acland Burghley School studios, Tufnell Park

Saturdays March 15th, April 12th, May 17th, June 14th, July 12th (details below)


Contact Improvisation Workshop London

Saturday CI Workshop & Jam: Bound & Unbound with Guest Teacher Jamus Wood

Acland Burghley School studios, Tufnell Park

Saturday March 15th, 2:30-7:00pm

In this workshop we will take time to explore some of the territory at the edges of contact improvisation. Exploring aspects of the dance that often go unrecognised or don’t receive quality attention.

We will spend the first part of our time together dropping into inner and outer awareness through Body Mind Centering® exercises and perspectives. The intention is to bring a felt sense of embodiment and a deep listening to our dance.

In the second part we will draw inspiration from Shibari (Japanese Rope Play), there will be no ropes but we use our bodies in a similar way to rope. Through this play of physical limitation. We will play with qualities of resistance and surrender, being held and being free, stillness and breath, gravity and flow.

The Switch, we will explore switching roles from the one who is bound to the one who is binding with their bodies. Listening to the moments when the roles can change. Generally in our dancing, leader follower dynamic is changing moment to moment, in this play we are slowing this down and lingering in a role for some time. Also taking moments when neither of us are in a role.

There will be plenty of limited scores and consent will be taught as a practice so that we can dance within our limits together and find our edges.

We will finish with a jam, to allow the information of the workshop to integrate into our dances and encounters.